AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
LeOsler is a playful and spirited handwritten font with an illustrative imprint. It has Light and Regular weights and a wide range of graphic styles: Sharp, Rough, Stamp, Inline, Border, Shadow, and the unusual Sprinkles texture, having 12 font styles in total.
LeOsler has a slightly condensed structure, a large x-height, aired counters, quirky character design, and a glyph coverage that ensures extended language support (Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts are available).
Most styles have rugged and textured designs, whereas the 'Sharp' fonts have the cleanest outlines of this type family, with perfectly smooth contours and polished intersection of strokes.
Ideal for display use and meant for large settings. However, LeOsler can be used in smaller point sizes for short sentences, delivering a more delicate look.
LeOsler has three alternating alphabets that slightly differ from one another. These sequentially alternate to avoid the same letterforms or textures appearing next to each other. The Contextual Alternates feature is available for Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic.
LeOsler includes a set of 130+ icons consistent with the typeface's visual language. The icons come in textures Rough and Stamp, in weights Light and Regular, and share graphic attributes with the fonts for a perfect match.
Styles 12 styles + 4 icon styles
Glyph Count 1793
Release May 2015
Version 1.000
Font Formats .OTF for Desktop, .WOFF .WOFF2 .EOT for Webfonts
OpenType Features Contextual Alternates, Stylistic Alternates, Standard Ligatures, Subscript, Scientific Inferiors, Superscript, Numerator, Denominator, Fractions, Ordinals.
Language Support Western Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, Vietnamese, Baltic, Turkish, Romanian, Cyrillic, Greek.
Designer, OT Programming, Production, Imagery Design Julia Martinez Diana
Behance project LeOsler typeface →

succulent plant

appleāˆ’cinnamon pancakes with lemon yogurt topping



хорошая собака


LeOsler Sharp Light
LeOsler Sharp Regular
LeOsler Rough Light
LeOsler Rough Regular
LeOsler Stamp Light
LeOsler Stamp Regular
LeOsler Rough Inline Regular
LeOsler Rough Border Regular
LeOsler Rough Shadow Light
LeOsler Rough Shadow Regular
LeOsler Sprinkles Light
LeOsler Sprinkles Regular
LeOsler Icon Rough Light
LeOsler Icon Rough Regular
LeOsler Icon Stamp Light
LeOsler Icon Stamp Regular
Sharp Lig
Sharp Reg
Rough Lig
Rough Reg
Stamp Lig
Stamp Reg
Rough Inline Reg
Rough Border Reg
Rough Shadow Lig
Rough Shadow Reg
Sprinkles Lig
Sprinkles Reg
Icon Rough Lig
Icon Rough Reg
Icon Stamp Lig
Icon Stamp Reg
Contextual Alternates
Stylistic Alternates
Contextual Alternates (Cyrillic)
Contextual Alternates (Greek)
Standard Ligatures
Contextual Alt.
Stylistic Alt.
Cont. Alt. (Cyrillic)
Cont. Alt. (Greek)
Standard Liga.
Glyph Count: 1793 (Only main characters listed in this chart as a reference. Icons not listed).

If you need an extended license, please contact Antipixel Type Studio at info@antipixel.com.ar
Features in Publications
Typodarium 2022. Photograph: Slanted Publishers
Typodarium 2022 — A 365 Day Type Calendar
Publisher Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Release 2022

Typodarium 2019. Photograph: Slanted Publishers
Typodarium 2019 — A 365 Day Type Calendar
Publisher Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Release 2019

IdN Magazine v26n3. Cover: IdN World
IdN Magazine v26n3
Publisher IdN
Release September 2020

Buy Goods
Escalope Poster

Dingos Mini Print

Pasto Poster

Dingos Print

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