AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
Austral Sans is a hand-drawn layered font designed by Antipixel. Based in the Slab version, it is part of the Austral type family. This sans makes your work unique & noteworthy, because the possibilities of combinations of textures & styles create distictive results. Austral Sans comes in three weights, Regular, Light & Thin, which all share the same crooked look with irregular strokes and outlines.
For these reasons this font can be used in a vast variety of projects, such as logos & branding, stationery, book covers, magazine design, clothing prints & tags, packaging, animated videos, and many more!
Austral Sans has three sets of alphabets in uppercase and lowercase to avoid repeating the same character pattern, and giving the font a more natural handwritten feel. This is included in the Open-Type Contextual Alternates, which applies an automatic substitution of glyphs as long as the Open-Type features are activated.
Styles 18 styles
Glyph Count 1194
Release October 2016
Version 1.000
Font Formats .OTF for Desktop, .WOFF .WOFF2 .EOT for Webfonts
OpenType Features Localized Forms, Contextual Alternates, Stylistic Alternates, Standard Ligatures, Discretionary Ligatures, Stylistic Set 1, Stylistic Set 2, Stylistic Set 3, Subscript, Scientific Inferiors, Superscript, Numerator, Denominator, Fractions, Ordinals.
Language Support Western Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, Vietnamese, Baltic, Turkish, Romanian
Designer, OT Programming, Production, Imagery Design Julia Martinez Diana
Behance projects (2) Austral Sans typeface →   |  Type concept →

India Pale Ale

In Norse and Anglo-Saxon mythology, a jötunn is a type of entity contrasted with gods and other non-human figures


PANTONE 12-0104 White Asparagus

Austral Sans Rough Thin
Austral Sans Rough Light
Austral Sans Rough Regular
Austral Sans Blur Thin
Austral Sans Blur Light
Austral Sans Blur Regular
Austral Sans Stamp Thin
Austral Sans Stamp Light
Austral Sans Stamp Regular
Austral Sans Rust Thin
Austral Sans Rust Light
Austral Sans Rust Regular
Austral Sans Maplines Thin
Austral Sans Maplines Light
Austral Sans Maplines Regular
Rough Thi
Rough Lig
Rough Reg
Blur Thi
Blur Lig
Blur Reg
Stamp Thi
Stamp Lig
Stamp Reg
Rust Thi
Rust Lig
Rust Reg
Maplines Thi
Maplines Lig
Maplines Reg
Contextual Alternates
Stylistic Alternates
Standard Ligatures
Discretionary Ligatures
Contextual Alt.
Stylistic Alt.
Standard Liga.
Discre. Liga.
Glyph Count: 1194 (Only main characters listed in this chart as a reference)

If you need an extended license, please contact Antipixel Type Studio at info@antipixel.com.ar
Features in Publications
Typodarium 2019. Photograph: Slanted Publishers
Typodarium 2019 — A 365 Day Type Calendar
Publisher Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Release 2019

IdN Magazine v26n3. Cover: IdN World
IdN Magazine v26n3
Publisher IdN
Release September 2020

Buy Goods
Escalope Poster

Dingos Mini Print

Pasto Poster

Dingos Print

Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details! Are you planning to start a new project? Reach out to me with the details!